
On-Site Services
Our on-site shredding service brings the shredding to you, ensuring the maximum security and convenience. Watch as your confidential documents are securely destroyed right before your very eyes. After all your confidential documents are fully shredded and destroyed, our Destruction Personnel will provide you with a Certificate of Destruction as proof that the destruction has been completed. We then transport your shredded documents to a local recycling facility where 100% of the papers and documents are recycled.

Off-Site Services
Our off-site shredding service ensures secure and efficient destruction of your sensitive documents at our highly secured, dedicated facility. Rest easy knowing that your confidential information is handled with the highest level of professionalism and security. We then transport your shredded documents to a local recycling facility where 100% of the papers and documents are recycled. A Certificate of Destruction will be sent to you once we have shredded your documents,

On-Site Product Destruction
Our on-site product destruction service is tailored for businesses with high-volume shredding needs, providing efficient and secure product disposal. We shred shoes, old uniforms, clothing items, and more! We guarantee a seamless process, allowing you to focus on your core business operations with peace of mind. Contact us today for your product destruction needs!

Hard Drive Destruction
Hard drive destruction is essential for organizations and individuals that handle sensitive information and need to ensure compliance with data protection regulations, prevent data breaches, and protect sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands.
By securely destroying hard drives, organizations can mitigate the risk of data exposure and safeguard their sensitive information. Contact us to learn more about our E-Waste Shredding Solutions!

Recurring Services
Every office space is uniquely their own, which is why we offer 3 different containers for you to choose from! You can establish a consistent and reliable process for securely disposing of sensitive documents with our options of weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or bi-monthly services.
We offer 2 different sizes of consoles, which are smaller sized secured containers that offer a more office friendly aesthetic. Sizing for our Executive Console is 24″H x 22.5″W x 15.5″D, allows a capacity of 50-60 lbs. and fits under desks and counters. Our 30 Gallon Console is 36″H x 22.75″W x 15.75″D, allows a capacity of 100 lbs. and are designed to integrate into office environments.
Our 65 Gallon shredding bin is designed for larges purges and office settings. Sizing for our bin is 40.5″H x 19″W x 29.5″D, allows for a capacity of 250 lbs.
Contact us today for a free quote!
Why Choose Us
When you choose Shred Source, you are choosing a reliable and trusted partner for all your shredding needs.
Our team is committed to providing top-notch customer service, secure and efficient shredding processes, and tailored solutions for your document destruction needs.

Solid Experience

Efficient Service

Top Security

Dedicated Team